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Green Supply Chain

As the public becomes more aware of environmental issues and global warming, customers will be asking more questions about the products they are purchasing. Companies will have to expect questions about how green their manufacturing processes and supply chain are, how big their carbon footprint is, and how they recycle.

Levi’s want their products to be part of a sustainable global movement. That’s why the factories that make their clothes must adhere to their Terms of Engagement. These Terms define labor, health, safety and environmental guidelines to help ensure the safety of apparel workers and communities in which they live and work. They also set out employment standards and specifically address issues of child labor, forced labor, disciplinary practices, working hours, wages and benefits, building integrity, freedom of association, discrimination, and health and safety
To form the Better Cotton Initiative, they joined forces with other brands and retailers, including H&M, Marks & Spencer, and Adidas etc. It plans to continue working with its global suppliers with the goal of sourcing approximately 95 percent better Cotton by 2020, up from 6 percent today. As part of their commitment to source sustainable forest fabrics, they are working with environmental non-profit Canopy and others in the apparel industry to ensure that no forest-based materials that originate from the world’s ancient and endangered forests are used to make their products. 

Reference: Part of this article is excerpted from Levi Strauss & Co. Official Site( , Levi Strauss – Annual report (2017).


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