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Enterprise Resource Planning

Warehouse consists of:
  • Receiving
  • Storage
  • Dispatch 
Two types of integration in ERP:
  1. Interdepartment
  2. Intradepartment
IT based transaction processing system for integrated information management and retrieval. It covers strategic, operational requirements of business and it is an approach to plan effective and optimum utilization of resources. It equips management with right information to take timely decisions. It enables organisation to capitalize on information collected during normal course of business and to make informal, far reaching decisions with confidence. It plays a vital role in combating inefficiency; reducing waste and ensuring that workers are better able direct their efforts.

2 ERP packages available:
 2. SAP- System Application and Products in Data Processing. It is a highly integrated software that can perform common business function.

Importance of ERP in a supply chain:

The feature-rich working environment of ERP combined with the more streamlined and efficient workflow of an effective SCM can provide a range of important advantages, including:
o   Improved efficiency across multiple departments and organizations working within the supply chain
o   Improved customer service for increased customer retention and greater chance of repeat business opportunities
o   Automation of workflow for reduced overhead and operational costs
o   More flexible supply chain solutions that may be readily adapted to meet the needs of changing circumstances or future business growth and expansion.


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